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We got to sleep in today! Well, until 10 AM that is, if you can consider that sleeping in. Our docket today was a buffet of lakeside sights, sounds, places, people, and things to take in along Lake Geneva. We traveled down to Montreux, and there he was much to our surprise. The bronze statue of Freddie Mercury himself! He continues to be a favorite musical icon of ours. Further down we came to the legendary Château de Chillon, a prime example of the medieval castle as a cultural and social hub. The tour went all over the grounds and even into the basement that had served as both supply storage and prison. We made sure to make our way into each tower to get the best possible views of the lake from the archer’s overlook. We also happened to pass by the Nestle chocolate headquarters. Take a moment to salivate and we will meet you in the next paragraph

Wine tasting in the Lavaux Vineyard Terraces

Day 7

Coat of arms of Vaud, the canton where Montreux is located

"Rows upon rows of plump grapes basked in the sunlight"

An incredible scene came before us as we entered the northern shores of Lake Geneva to visit the Lavaux Vineyard Terraces. Rows upon rows of plump grapes basked in the sunlight as they waited patiently to be plucked. A local family hosted a wine tasting of their own cache complemented by tasty breadsticks. We then went on a tour of their winery and the production process therein. It was fascinating to be in the presence of real European wine country. We came away with a bottle of their Merlot, Pinot Noir, and a unique dessert wine. 

The Sights & Sounds of Montreux

For dinner we found ourselves in a rather eclectic second story pizza shop where we were allowed to write our names on the walls. Then we of course went in search of more gelato, because the world doesn’t have enough of the stuff. It was really our duty as global citizens to spread the joy of Lausanne’s gelato to our bellies. It was also what helped get us through the evening of dredging our dirty laundry bags up and down the hilly streets in search of a laundromat. We were happy to be back in our hotel room with cushy pillows and a hot shower.

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